Adobe Workshops
Was busy with the Adobe workshops for the past 3 months. The publicity stuffs, membership registrations, co-ordination, post workshops follow-up issues etc... Although Mr Tay kept saying that I'm like a cheap labour doing all these (Yeap understand his kind intentions), I seriously do not feel that way. Firstly, I feel proud that CBLC is able to undertake such project with Adobe. Secondly, it is my responsibilty to ensure that CBLC deliver what we have promised in return for their sponsorship. Lastly, by doing a good job, I hope that CBLC will find more sponsorships coming their way in the long run. Hence, I can tell you that I enjoyed the process, not a chore at all! =)
The poster that made us proud~

Our Booth @Fest La' Vie

Now that it has come to an end, I like to thank everyone who has contributed in one way or another in making the workshops a success.
Part-time job? Face Model?
Nope, not a part-time job. How can this face be one???!!!! Well, sorry for such a shock (or rather a laughing stock! Haha!), but yes, I did lend a helping face for a friend's make-up exam. Don't ever think it's an easy thing sitting there and getting your face painted. It was very tiring!!! Nevertheless, great experience!
Getting Ready~
The Artist's Toolsssss~~~

The "Halloween" Theme in Progress

"Creative" Theme

Superstar Finals @Indoor Stadium
Yes, I was there! No, not because I was mesmerized by Diya's voice or Darren's looks, but because Yuan Song had tickets (His gf is working for one of the sponsors for the program). So, the six of us - Jay, Mun, Ban, Wei Jun, Pei Qi and me went to have a "feel". Took some pics with my phone. Apparently it wasn't very clear. The atmosphere was really high as the fans were very much on fire. I did enjoy~!
Dissertation HOrror!!!
The dissertation horror has befallen on Prof Liow & Wei Ling for the past 3 months. Both parties suffered internal injuries during this excruciating period, with more serious injuries inflicted on Prof Liow. Hee hee. It finally ended on 29 February!! Yeah!! But I heard some brave souls still have not submitted theirs to date (10 marks deducted by now, and a straight F in a few days' time).
Perfectionists? Slackers-to-the-max? Beats me. But I salute you!
3rd March - Cuthbert invited us to his house
Ah Bird invited the SDE people to his house for CNY as well as to celebrate our submission of dissertation on 29 February. Held a steamboat (Thanks Ah Bird, we didn't pay a single cent) and mahjong session at his 2nd home (Yea, rich kid).
The Hard Core Gamblers in Action!

We're smart - We eat first!!

Weekly Hang-outs with s04 gang
Hang out with the s04 gang every week still, usually Fridays or Saturdays. Usual things we do - Dinner, KTV, Clubbing, Chill-Out, Settlers, Movies, Network with their colleagues/friends, U-name-it. My friends for life. Love u guys!
Sometimes we opted for High Life - Jazz at Intercontinental
At times, we come to learn about wine appreciation

The important thing is, we always make sure we are there for one another

Youth Expedition Project - Laos
I have been selected for the YEP Laos Project. Duration of trip from 22 May - 12 June. A total of 3 weeks. Currently, meetings were held every Saturday mornings to plan and prepare for this trip with 19 other members. Our objective is to set up a library management system for the kids in Nong Duang Village. A pity Lao Da had to withdraw due to reservist. I'm in the Fund Raising Team, hence I'll come up with several events to raise fund for this project. On our list is the
Street Soccer Tournament held on 5th May at NUS SRC. Open to public so guys interested, kindly form a team of 8 (6 players, 2 reserves). If you think your team is
UNBEATABLE, email me at now!
Yes, you have read correctly! A slacker for 7 semesters has decided (a pact) that she will be a disciplined nerd for the 8th and last semester in her 4 years of university education. Well, she has come to realize that actions do speak louder than words. Hence, to start off, she went back to school on weekends (all by herself to make sure she won't be interrupted by gossips or long chats) to study!! I know you won't believe this, but hang on! I've got proof!
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