Saturday, April 22, 2006

Going Beyond Who You Are

I'm undergoing a training course on "Going Beyond your Maximum Level of Patience" with my Pri one kid.

A very effective trainer, he is. You get to learn to break through your level 10 (which is max already) when you spend your every week with him. Here's wat he tested me on:

1) You talk to him VERY NICELY, he rolled his eyes, closed them and simply ignored you.
2) He ran out IMMEDIATELY upon hearing a phone call, when you are going thru the books halfway.
3) He throws a tantrum on the floor when his 10-min attention span is up.
4) He cries and say he's tired when he doesnt feel like learning, and that is EVERY week.
5) You get the "Hmm.. I'm not scared of my parents ok?" response when you try to threaten.
6) Rules are laid. That is, you can't touch him.

Week after week, you find that you are able to break through your max level of patience. You become a nicer person, your tolerance level went up few more levels and slowly, you become so good tempered.

Last but not least, you become smarter as well. Guess what, I found MY way to handle this kid.

I like to thank him for moulding me into a better person.

*Gonna be down with fever*

1 Comment:

b.O.s. said...

you should play mind games with him haha..
or do some really out of the ordinary things at him like totally scream at him like a banshee and throw pillows& stufftoys around(so u cant damage anything or hurt anyone)..... tt...n make him feel dam guilty for driving u crazy..LITERALLY. hahaha...

How old is he?
if he's older, jus scare the shit out of him abt his future.say if he doesnt buck up now he's gona die...die...DIE!!!!

(sigh, im really mad.)