For the soccer fanatics,en,0;jogatv,,0,0,0
For the Naruto lovers
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Are you bored?
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 6:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I'm an idiot (REALLY)
Why would somebody call herself that?? Because... here's the story..
A gal named mE was studying and doing lots of research for her paper the night before her exam. As usual, she did not sleep a wink as it was a 9am paper. She intends to sleep when she goes home after the paper. Morning came and she packed her notes and went school for the exam.
When Miss mE reached her school, she took out her organiser to check her seat number. Then, this is what she saw:
Urban Planning II / Venue: IRC / Time: 5PM
Her reaction?? It was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She nearly fainted. She was totally speechless. She started laughing at herself. Then, she concluded.. Yes, she's an idiot.
Then Miss mE came YIH and started writing this on blog. ARGHHH~
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 24, 2006
EPL Chelsea vs Man U
It's 530am in the morning and I have nothing better to do. Don't assume I've been busy mugging throughout the whole night hence... Heh..
Overheard my frenz talking about premiership match that day.. Well, I know nothing about soccer, but got sensitive when I heard Chelsea.. Mic was supporting Man U definately, but he said something about Chelsea needing only one point to win.. Heh.. Hmm.. if I were to support any team, where will my vote go to??
Chelsea.. cos I became one of their fans few years back, don't ask me why =)
1 paper down and 5 more to go.. Serves me right for taking 6 modules this sem.. *stressed*
Mr Incaseidiedwhilerunning, I DO GET STRESSED OVER EXAMS OK??!!
Ok, 9 more days.. 5 remaining papers..
25/04 (Tue) : Planning II
29/04 (Sat) : Devt II
02/05 (Tue) : Valuation II + E-commerce
03/05 (Wed) : Political Economy
I can! I can! *Back to books*
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 5:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Going Beyond Who You Are
I'm undergoing a training course on "Going Beyond your Maximum Level of Patience" with my Pri one kid.
A very effective trainer, he is. You get to learn to break through your level 10 (which is max already) when you spend your every week with him. Here's wat he tested me on:
1) You talk to him VERY NICELY, he rolled his eyes, closed them and simply ignored you.
2) He ran out IMMEDIATELY upon hearing a phone call, when you are going thru the books halfway.
3) He throws a tantrum on the floor when his 10-min attention span is up.
4) He cries and say he's tired when he doesnt feel like learning, and that is EVERY week.
5) You get the "Hmm.. I'm not scared of my parents ok?" response when you try to threaten.
6) Rules are laid. That is, you can't touch him.
Week after week, you find that you are able to break through your max level of patience. You become a nicer person, your tolerance level went up few more levels and slowly, you become so good tempered.
Last but not least, you become smarter as well. Guess what, I found MY way to handle this kid.
I like to thank him for moulding me into a better person.
*Gonna be down with fever*
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 8:06 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 21, 2006
If you grant me a wish...
Didn't really sleep last night, cos I was rushing through some research for today's paper.. But still, wasnt determined enough so went for a "short nap" in the middle of the night..
Had the same dream for the past few weeks.. Almost every night, I had the same/similar dream.. It was exactly what I will love it to happen.. But when you wake up from it, you realise that dream and reality are completely different..
If I can only have one wish in this entire lifetime, I'd wish that I'll NEVER wake up from that dream..
Back from my first paper, and this is what I want to say:
To you-know-who: Ok, I'm losing the bet, you're in for your buffet treat!
Gastric pain acting up again.. arghh.. or is it stomach flu?? Well, I'm not sure either, all I know is it's painful.. I seem prone to having gastric pain and stomach flu..
The last time I had stomach flu was at YIH.. Vomitted like 6, 7 times throughout the night.. Imagine you sleep halfway, then need crawl out of your sleeping bag, unlock the door, run down the flight of stairs, to the toilet and vomit into the basin!! Try doing this for 6-7 times!
Luckily KK was there.. But the pain seem to go away after I received a comforting call.. Well, that's what they call it.. The Power of Love.
Now, I need the Power of Food + a Power Nap!! =) Study hard!
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Celebrity Face
A friend showed me this website. Just to take a short break off mugging..
The analysis showed some of the celebrities I look like: Maria Sharapova, Xu Wei Lun etc..
Haha.. Fun!! Upload your photo and try it!
For friends having exams, good luck for your papers. And for my overseas friend who's rushing final project, take care too!
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 1:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
"Enlightening" Statement
About 130am.. still studying at NTU.. One friend made an "enlightening" statement today.
" Studying is not about the results, it's about the learning process.. When I do my paper, I skip those questions I know, I only do those I dunno, cos I want to challenge myself.."
Yeah.. coming from someone who always ace exams..
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 1:25 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 15, 2006
About Dogs
It's 3am, just back from movie, Eight Below. Picked that because I simply wanted to watch the dogs only. Haha..How I wish I own one of them =) Recalled that I used to be afraid of dogs.. cos was chased by one when I was young. But, came into constant contact with dogs for the past 2 years cos a good friend of mine is a dog lover. His love for dogs kind of influenced me, and helped me to overcome my fear for dogs. They are really lovable.

Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 2:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Club Med Kani
Saw some of the pics from Norman's graduation trip to Club Med Kani. Can't resist putting all these up cos they are simply too beautiful!! Makes me realise life is good!! I should really jump out of my well and see the world. Well, gonna be soon~ =)
Sorry Norman, "kop" some of your pics. Hee..
Reminds me of Bali I went last year..
Oh well, gonna be my graduation trip too!
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Ethics of NTU Students
Not to target at NTU students, but.....
It was so well covered up. Ok, we lost. haha..
Saw some of the class photos from Marlboro's laptop. I think they were taken 1 or 2 years back at one of our chalets. I think gals not much changes.. except that maybe I looked thinner now. But I spotted great changes in our class's guys.
I think Jack looks better few years back?
Seriously, Vic, it's time to lose some more weight..
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 7:11 PM 0 comments
你说要我死了这颗心 最好永远存放在埃及
像木乃伊保持着生命 敲也敲不破 连时间都忘记
你一直唠叨的所谓真理 剖开的心就看到我不是记忆
要我节哀虽然她不该 如果看不开 我怎么活过来
木乃伊的心在烧 金字塔里闷到老
也许我自己太在意被抛弃 无法忍受黑暗的沉默孤寂
木乃伊的心在跳 抱着希望慢慢熬
我哭泣最后的一分力撑下去 相信真爱就在我醒来的新世纪
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 08, 2006
I mentioned about not having regrets. But inevitably, I realise I have plenty of regrets.
I regretted slacking in Secondary 3 & 4, ended going to PJC after O's.
I regretted not studying hard for my A levels, hence I had to take a 2nd time.
I regretted not giving my best in year 1, and had the lowest cap ever throughout the semesters.
I regretted not being understanding enough to someone I love the most.
I regretted quarrelling every now and then, whenever he took the effort to make a call back.
I regretted not being independent enough, hence giving so much pressure to the one I love.
I regretted not being supportive enough to his dreams and goals.
However, I found something that I have not regretted at all.
I have never regretted loving and giving my all to the one I love. This person will always have a special place in my heart, definately. I want to tell him, I'm sorry. If I ever have the chance, I'll make sure he'll be the happiest guy on earth.
It's time I move on.
May our paths meet once again.
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 12:49 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Complicated Minds
I feel that minds are too complicated. People who know me well say I think too much. But frankly, who don't? Everyone think a lot, in fact sometimes too much. We thought that by thinking a lot, we are preparing ourselves well for the future. We think that by thinking hard, we would have answers to what we want. We assume that it will lead us onto the right paths. A friend once told me, why make things so complicated? Why do we have to think so hard? Why can't life be simpler? Why not live life as if we have no tomorrow? What happens if, in the process of thinking, the person dies tomorrow, or the subject is gone forever? Indeed, humans have complicated minds. We think hard because we do not want regrets, but ironically, it often leads us onto the paths of regrets.
My dear friends, don't regret. Cherish what you have and live life like there's no tomorrow.
If there's no tomorrow, what would you say or do?
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Some people like a particular song because it's catchy, some like it because it's sung by their favourite singer. Heard this song on the way home today. I like it because it expresses me well.
翻着我们的照片 想念若隐若现
去年的冬天 我们笑得很甜
看着你哭泣的脸 对着我说再见
来不及听见 你已走得很远
也许你已经放弃我 也许已经很难回头
我知道自己错过 请再给我一个理由说你不爱我
就算是我不懂 能不能原谅我
我知道坚持要走 是你受伤的藉口
请你回头 我会陪你一直走到最后
就算没有结果 我也能够承受
我知道你的痛 是我给的承诺
你说给过我纵容 沉默是因为包容
如果要走 请你记得我
如果难过 请你忘了我
Passed by this place today. Reminded me of a friend.. who chatted with me by the river few years back..
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Life and Choices
Life is strange. People say you make choices in life. But sometimes, they tell you that you don't have a choice.
Some people choose to give things up easily because they think it should be the way. But there are certain things in life that I still believe in. Some say I'm just being sturborn, others call me "tee kee", while some simply think I'm naive. They tell me that I don't have a choice. But call me silly, I still choose to believe. I choose to have faith in the things I believe in. I never want to give these up.
To the things I so believe in: I'll still be there, no matter what happens.
Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 02, 2006
S04 Gathering
Havent had a S04 gathering for quite some time. Glad that we still have the opportunity to get together. I'm thankful that I've met this bunch of friends during my JC days.
Preparation in process.
The Feast
Thanks Marlboro for the contribution.

Posted by Chia Wei Ling at 7:06 PM 0 comments