Monday, January 29, 2007

In 2007

My first post in 2007.

Getting kind of busy with school work, cca, career planning and many other things coming along the way. 2007 is a year full of hope and perhaps, excitement. Things were different from the way it used to be, mindsets were changed from the way it used to think and directions in life became so much clearer. What do I hope to achieve, what are the steps needed to get there... I ran through all these questions in 2007.

Looking back at 2006.. I've looked back too many times. I used to wish that I could turn back time and erase all the unhappy memories, wipe away all the tears and put a smile to everything I've come across. But no. I'm glad I've been through all.

People says that facing obstacles change u - stronger and more courageous. The Wizard of Oz came to my mind. The tin-man needed a heart - compassion. The scarecrow needed a brain - wisdom. And the cowardly lion needed courage. They went off to see the Wizard to get what they needed, but he taught them that they all had those qualities inside themselves already. The obstacles didn't change me, it merely brought out the strength and courage I already had to fight them off. I'm proud of tat and I can safely say, nothing can bring me down again.

2007 will be different, I tell myself. And I will make it happen.